Jan2win's profile
  • Profile Pic
    Jan2win ♀
  • Online Status
  • Birthday
    February 17
    🎂 🎁
  • I'm Currently Playing
    30 Ball Canada
  • About Me I'm a Granny to 2 Gorgeous Granddaughters aged 22 & 5 and 1 Very Handsom Grandson aged 24
  • Favourie TV Show Emerdale and Corri & East Enders
  • interests bingo
  • favquote Love Me or Hate Me ... I Really Don't Care
  • music 60/70s
  • movies Green Mile
  • books Don't read any more But used to like a good love story with a twist or a mystry story
  • children 1 son 1 daughter
  • pets none
  • zodiac aquarius
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