east1673's profile
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    east1673 ♀
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  • Country
    United States
    United States
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  • realname Tonya
  • location White River Jct
  • About Me my best friend ritaj07 & I are in profile pic shes on the left !!! may she rest in peace !! I have custody of my 10 yr old grandson. I love to spend time outside in warm weather, dream of living in
  • Favourie TV Show Ghost Adventures
  • biggestjackpot 5400.00
  • interests reading,fishing, spending time with my family & friends no longer work on my car got a 2017 :)
  • favquote You got a better chance of seeing God
  • music all kinds
  • movies too many to list lol
  • books lots
  • children I have 2 kids 1 of each both adults I got 7 grand babies 5 boys 2 girls
  • pets dwarf hamster
  • zodiac libra
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