gladys1, 53 yo/female
  • Profile Pic
    gladys1 ♀
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  • Birthday
    September 30, 1967
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  • Country
  • I'm Currently Playing
    30 Ball Canada
  • realname Gladys
  • location Whitby
  • age 53
  • About Me Stay at home mom. I am disabled but have very helpful children. I am a very honest, caring & loving person & I believe in Karma. What goes around comes around.
  • Favourie TV Show Walking Dead
  • biggestjackpot 5k
  • interests cross stitching, latch hooking, camping & time with my family. Love to bake
  • favquote ~Never let anyone put you down or stand in your way of success~
  • music country, rock & love songs
  • movies Ghost Rider, Ghost, Safe Haven, The lucky One, The Notebook, & many more
  • books All Dean Koontz & Robin Cook Books & some others.
  • children My 22 yr old son Cody & 21 yr old daughter Trisha.
  • pets Star our beautiful German Shepherd R.I.P. Apr 2000- May 2014. Miss you girl. Our New Addition Hercules. He is a Caine Corso Rottweiller
  • zodiac libra
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